Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts & Chestnuts

Thinking about Christmas cooking? 🍴🎅 Make things easier for yourself with one of our Air Fryers, perfect for making the most delicious of dishes to compliment your favourite Christmas meals, just like this Chesnut, Bacon and Sprout Recipe, which is super simple to make and will certainly impress your guests over the festive season!

All you need is:

  • 200g brussel sprouts
  • 400g chesnuts
  • 200g smoked bacon lardons
  • 1 tbsp creme fraiche or double cream

Par boil your brussel sprouts for approximately 8 minutes. While they are boiling, score your chesnuts with a cross and add a pinch of salt before adding them to your Air Fryer. Cooks for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. When cooked, mix together with a dollop of creme fraiche or cream and season to taste – and enjoy!

Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts & Chestnuts

Want to see more Air Fryer recipes? Take a look at our Recipe Page.