Bailey’s Chocolate Trifle

Our Baileys chocolate trifle will be the ideal thing to satisfy your sweet cravings, and to impress your friends and family at the next gathering.


  • 100ml Baileys, plus 2 tbsps for soaking the brownies
  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 50g milk chocolate, chopped or shaved
  • 500ml ready-made vanilla custard
  • 400g chocolate brownies
  • 500ml double cream
  • 25g icing sugar


  1. In your Cooks Professional saucepan, make the chocolate custard. Combine the read-made vanilla custard and the dark chocolate, and stir over a gentle heat until the chocolate has completely melted and incorporated with the custard. Remove from the heat and set to one side to cool, covering the surface with cling film to prevent the custard from forming a skin.
  2. In a trifle bowl, arrange the brownies and drizzle the 2 tbsps of Baileys over them. Once the custard has cooled, spoon this over the brownies base, then cover the trifle and chill.
  3. Use your Cooks Professional stand mixer to create the final layer of the trifle. Combine the double cream and the 100ml Baileys. Sift over the icing sugar, and use your stand mixer to whisk it all together until soft peaks form. Add the final cream layer to the trifle, and top with the shaved milk chocolate. Chill until ready to serve.

Lead image: Bhofack2 via Getty Images.