Age Restricted Goods Policy

As a responsible retailer, we strictly adhere to legal regulations for the sale of age-restricted items such as knives. To ensure compliance and safeguard our customers, we use VerifyMyAge for age verification and DPD’s adult signature service for delivery. This policy outlines the steps taken to verify age and ensure secure delivery.

1. Age Verification with VerifyMyAge

For all purchases that include age-restricted items, we use VerifyMyAge to confirm that customers are legally eligible to purchase such products. The process is simple and secure:

Verification Request: After completing your order, you will receive a prompt from VerifyMyAge to confirm your age.

Providing ID: Follow the link in the prompt to upload a valid form of ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport, or another accepted document) to prove you are over the age of 18.

Fast Processing: Once your ID is submitted, VerifyMyAge processes the information within minutes.

Confirmation: After your age is verified, you will receive a confirmation, and your order will proceed through our systems.

If the verification fails or is incomplete, you will be contacted by our Customer Services Team to resolve the issue before dispatch.

2. Delivery with DPD’s Adult Signature Service

For all orders containing age-restricted items, we use DPD’s mandatory adult signature service. This ensures that:

Adult Confirmation: DPD will require a signature from an adult (18+) at the time of delivery before releasing the shipment.

ID on Delivery: If the age verification process could not be completed online, DPD may request photo identification upon delivery.

3. Legal Compliance and Customer Data Protection

As required by the Criminal Justice Act 1988, we are only permitted to sell knives and other bladed items to individuals over the age of 18. We take this responsibility seriously and ensure that all age-verification steps are followed before dispatch.

Your personal data is handled securely in compliance with data protection laws and our privacy policy. All information shared with VerifyMyAge and DPD is treated with the utmost care and confidentiality.